Families are forever... even if they aren't together!
So, my wonderful hubby left this morning at 6:30. He had to say goodbye to our girls before they went to bed last night. It's so sad to think about. But there's only ONE thing standing in the way of us being together as a family again. Only one little thing. Ok, so it's not that little, but at least it's only one!
Our house. Like I said before, the girls and I are down here till our house sells. It's a beautiful house, and we're going to be sad to leave it, but at the moment, it's more of a stress that I just want to get rid of. It is on the market, but I have no clue what the MLS number is.
Oh well, as I think over all my stresses, I have to stop and say to myself, "yes, my husband is away, but I know where he is, and I don't have to worry for his life like military wives have to. And yes, I have the stress of selling a house, but at least we have a house to sell. And yes, I'm raising the kids on my own for the time being, but they do have a father who supports them and loves them oh so very much." So if any of you hear me complain too much, just poke me and remind me it could be worse.

Oh well, as I think over all my stresses, I have to stop and say to myself, "yes, my husband is away, but I know where he is, and I don't have to worry for his life like military wives have to. And yes, I have the stress of selling a house, but at least we have a house to sell. And yes, I'm raising the kids on my own for the time being, but they do have a father who supports them and loves them oh so very much." So if any of you hear me complain too much, just poke me and remind me it could be worse.
That is a gorgeous house! I'd buy it if I could :) Hope that some lucky person nabs it soon and you can get your family together again.
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Thanks again! :)
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